The Magicians Wiki

Penny meditates trying to hold off the voices from other worlds

Psychic is the Discipline of magic relating to, affecting, and influenced by the mind. Magicians of this Discipline are capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and telepathy.


The Psychic discipline is the area of magic that encompasses the mind as a whole, and possibly the spirit as well. Their house is an unspecified building on campus where they have rooms called coves that are designed for meditation, while the enclosed "Consciousness Areas" are reserved as a place to cry and process their experiences.

The Amplifier is a room in which a Psychic's powers are dialed up to 11, allowing them to experience more than normal.

Their students are called Psychics at Brakebills, and they are seen as both alternative goths, obsessed with death and always around the Fountains, and hippy-like, dressed in shawls and using drugs to further their psychic experiences.


Mental Disciplines

  • Telepathy: Telepaty is the magical ability to navigate through the many layers of a mind to discern thoughts and emotions. It's possible to use this ability to communicate as well, like The Beast did with Penny. Quentin Coldwater took advantage of his knowledge of this ability, as well as Penny's lack of self-control with it, to send a distress call out to the latter while under the effects of the Scarlotti's Web hex[1]. Victoria also used the same method to call for help while trapped in a Fillorian dungeon by The Beast. One of the girls in The League, Holly, was gifted at mind-reading, and although not being able to be specific, she could pick the emotional tone of people in the streets[2].
  • Mind Control: Controlling the behavior of others through mental command. It is a common trait among deities and their demigods. Mind control might be limited by psychic wards used by skilled magicians, though more powerful beings have been known to bypass them. The Beast was able to control Eliot's boyfriend, Mike from another world, doing so in an attempt to kill Quentin with a magical dagger, as well as to kill Eliza[3]. Reynard taught his son to consciously use this ability, explaining him that he has done it all his whole life without realizing it[4].
  • Memory Magic: A specific strain of psychic magic that deals with accessing memories and manipulating them. Marina altered Julia's memory of her assault by Reynard, implanting incredibly realistic memories that did not happen[5]. At Brakebills, there's a group of employees that use this kind of magic to replace memories of people who fail the exam. Deities are capable of detecting traces of memory alterations, probing the mind of others to discern between genuine and false memories, as well as remove them[5]. Gummidgy was skilled at this type of magic, sucessfully reverting the memory-wiping spells Brakebills had done to most Murs Magicians [6].
  • Dream Manipulation: The ability to enter and change, the dreams of others and communicate with them. It's a common hazing prank between Psychics[7], and something Penny used multiple times to communicate with Quentin[8] and Margo[9].

Planar Disciplines

  • Traveling : The rare skill to move between worlds. This is the discipline of Penny and Victoria, but others can also be studied extensively with years of study, notably done by Martin Chatwin and Professor Sunderland. It was by Christopher Plover.
    • Astral Projection: A method of Travelling that works through binding your body to the physical plane with a tattooed sigil, and letting your mind wander around the universe. This also exists as a discipline itself, as Chelsea, a member of The League, possessed and utilized this ability to prank a student at Brakebills [10].

Spiritual Disciplines

  • Precognition: This is the ability to see minor flashes of future events[11], and is Pushkar's discipline[12].
  • Premonition: This discipline was mentioned by Professor Sunderland while testing Quentin.[13]

Note: Classically, the difference between Premonitions and Precognition lie in the fact that Premonitions occur while conscious, offering brief glimpses of the future while the Psychic is awake, while Precognition occurs while the Psychic is asleep, usually manifesting as a dream-like vision.

The decision to differentiate between these two may suggest that they're treated akin to their classic manifestations.


Travelers are a rare group of Psychic magicians whose discipline consists of the ability to traverse freely between locations, includibg distant worlds. It's worth noting that this area of magic is regarded as the most powerful, knowledgeable and dangerous of them all, meaning that the ones possessing it need to have a lot of training to achieve full control. More skilled disciples are able to notonly transport themselves, but others as well.

Astral Projection is commonly used as a safer method of Traveling, with most Travelers binding their body to one world with an Anchoring sigil and letting their spirit wonder, instead of actually moving, body and mind, to different locations due to the risk involved with it. A Traveler with enough experience can separate their mind from their physical form in order to Astral Project without the use of the Anchoring sigil.


"You hear voices, and no, you're not insane (at least not for that reason). Fair warning, older Psychics sometimes "inception" first years as a hazing prank."


The Magicians (TV)

  • Penny
  • Victoria
  • Stanley


